Action Plan 2024

Current as of: March 2024

Patient Feedback / Survey Results

This is an action plan to improve our patient access, experience and health journey.

At Glenmount Medical Clinic we carried out a patient survey (the Practice Accreditation Improvement Survey) and asked for your honest opinions on the service we provide. We have taken the following actions in order to make improvements to patient care where you feel it would be most useful.

Where we could improve

Waiting times 

67% of our patients were happy with the waiting time.

  • Inform patients when they arrive if the Dr is running behind and how many patients are before them to avoid any confusion in the waiting room.
  • Receptionists have discussed with the Drs to catergorise booking types to ensure the appointment type is given the appropriate time allocation and the consult is clarified as a long or short appointment.
  • Patients can call prior to arriving at appointed time to confirm if consultations are running on time or behind schedule and adjust their arrival time if able to alleviate pressure in waiting room.
  • The practice has started to enforce DNA policy for patients this should encourage patients to cancel their appointment if they cannot attend enabling others to utilise their appointment and in return reduce the waiting time. Providing cancellation of appointments by SMS via Hotdocs makes the process streamlined for the patient.

After Hours Service Information

65% of our patients were happy with the information provided.

  • To improve awareness of our After Hours Service we will update the medical deputizing information and how it is displayed on our website.
  • Signage supplied by 13SICK will be on the clinics front door indicating the number to call. This number is also on our voicemail message.
  • At this time we do not have the capacity to extend our opening hours but After Hour Clinics are available within a 5km radius of our clinic that patients can access.
  • The clinic is actively seeking to employ another Dr to provide extended clinic hours in the future

Telephone Access to Drs

77% of our patients were happy with telephone access to their Drs

  • Telephone Access Policy has been
  • Phone Triage has been re evaluated and further education has been completed by non-clinical and clinical staff
  • Reception will direct calls to the Practice Nurses who will triage the call and direct to Dr as required or book an appointment face to face or telehealth that day.
  • The Dr will respond to phone messages of a non-urgent nature at designated times in the clinics working hours.

What we do best

Respect Shown to Patient

92% of patients said the staff were respectful, polite and helpful. We thank you for this excellent feedback and are very proud of this result.

Availability of Dr/Nurse of choice

90% of patients indicated they were able to see the Dr of choice. This is providing and excellent continuity of care and maintains a high standard of patient care.

Overall Satisfaction

90% of patients were satisfied with the practice and described their experience of this clinic as good. We continue to welcome feedback of our services to improve this score in the future.


Phone 9802 9101 / 9802 2838 • Fax 03 5296 5818

598 High Street Rd, Glen Waverley VIC 3150

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday: 8am - 6pm
(Appointments: 8:30am - 5:30pm)
Saturday: 9am - 12pm
Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed


Ambulance 000

Home Visits & After Hours medical care

Locum Service 137 425
After Hours/Home Visits provided by National Home Doctor Service.
All Visits Bulk billed